Pain in the back (especially the lower back) is one of the most common afflictions people deal with, and one of the afflictions that can also cause the most problems for people on a day-to-day basis, as this pain can linger all throughout the day - bouncing back and forth between that sharp pain that makes it difficult to do anything, and that dull pain that makes it tough to focus on anything else - and it can often seem like there is nothing you can do to get rid of this pain; if you have ever felt this way yourself, the good news is that there are actually a few simple fixes for back pain, and with a bit of patience, you can get these solutions to work for you.
One of the best ways to take care of back pain is to adjust your back so that the problems that were causing you pain are no longer problems at all; a couple ways to go about doing this - adjusting your back so that it is no longer an issue - are going to a chiropractor, or going to a massage therapist who specializes in back pain.
Of course, it can be a bit on the expensive side to go to chiropractors and massage therapists (especially if you have to go to them for a while, or if your insurance does not cover the costs of your visits), but while you might have known this already, what you might not have realized is that there are a number of massage chairs that can do the same job a chiropractor or massage therapist will do; shop around for a good massage chair, give it a bit of time, and you will soon notice your back pain disappearing altogether!

And shying away from any exercises that cause pain in the lower back (such as crunches, sit-ups, or any other "core" exercises) is one big mistake a lot of people make; strengthening the muscles of your lower back is one of the best ways of all to prevent lower back pain. Of course, making sure you are doing any "back exercises" (or "core exercises") properly will be important, so that you do not make the problem even worse, but when you do this - exercising your lower back in a safe and effective manner - you will soon find that this lower back stiffness has been replaced by a strong lower back that no longer gives you any problems at all!

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